IGP/VGL (Code V) Emulation

Free Format

Disable. The default.

Enable. Selects free format mode as the power-up default, and selects the graphics mode ^PY as the power-up default. Free format causes the Code V to ignore carriage returns, line feeds, and all characters below hex 20 sent from the host.

Mgnum Conversion

Disable. The default.

Enable. Selects the graphics mode ^PY as the power-up default.


The number of lines to be printed per inch. For example, at 6 lpi there is 1/6 inch from the top of one print line to the top of the next print line.

Graphics Options

Following are several options which configure printing output:

Slashes in Zeros

This parameter allows you to print the numeral “0” with or without the slash. This option applies to all character sets except OCR-A and OCR-B.

Enable. Zero is printed with a slash.

Disable. Zero is printed without a slash.

Ignore Dots

Disable. The default.

Enable. Causes the Code V to expect position values to be specified in only 1/10ths of an inch. If the dot position is also given, it is treated as text.

Append Rotated

Disable. Logos and alphanumeric strings are treated as separate elements.

Enable. Appends logos to an alphanumeric string rotated in a clockwise, counterclockwise, or inverted orientation.


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Printronix P5000LJ user manual Graphics Options, Free Format