

? Command, 243


Novell Host configuration, 229
Troubleshooting, 236
15V PWR FAIL * message, 283
20 CPI Condensed, 94, 96
23.5V PWR FAIL * message, 283
48V PWR FAIL * message, 283
8.5V PWR FAIL * message, 283


A TO D OVERUN * message, 283
Absorb After ^PN, 111
Absorb after ^PY, 110
Access Lists, TCP, 261
Access Methods, Command Shell, 243
ACCESS NULL PTR * message, 283
Acknowledge signal, 267
Active Emulation Menu, 79
Administration, configuration, 154
AIX NetView/6000, 317
Alert groups, 151
Aliases, 158
All Black, 130
All E’s, 130
All H’s, 130
All Underlines, 130
Alt. Set 80-9F, 92
Alternate Character Set, 94
Alternate Set 80-9F, 97, 98
Append Rotated, 109
ASCII Character Set, 313
Auto LF, 91, 94, 96, 98, 100
Auto Switching, 123
Auto Switching Submenu, 123
Auto Switching, 123
Port Type, 123
Report Status, 124
Timeout, 124
Trickle Time, 124
Auto Uppercase, 104
Autoport Switching, 265
Autowrap, 103


Banner Page, 147
Banner Page, Print Path, 146
Barcode Errors, 112
Baud Rate, 120
Bindery PSERVER Setup (Netware 3.x, 4.x and
5.x), 231
Bi-Tronics interface, 268
Negotiation phase, 269
operating modes, 268
signals, 269
Bi-Tronics submenu, 116
Buffer Size in K, 117
Prime Signal, 116
TOF Action, 117
BSD Systems, LPR/LPD print setup, 200
BUFFER OVERRUN message, 283
Buffer Size in K, 117, 119, 121, 122
Burnin Test, 131
Busy on Strobe, 118
Busy signal, 267
Byte mode, 268