GEnet System Manager Data Link Error
The GEnet System Manager Data Link error codes are described in this appendix. The NDIS error codes used by the Network GSM and by the NDIS Protocol Manager are also described.
Table E-1. GEnet System Manager Data Link Error Codes
Error Code | Description |
1 | Too many LSAPs. |
2 | LSAPnotregistered. |
3 | DLI task not registered. |
4 | Out of buffers - dliact routine. |
5 | Out of buffers - dlideact routine. |
6 | Out of buffers - dlisend routine. |
7 | Out of buffers - dligetbuf routine. Restart GSM. |
8 | Bad return code - dxprec routine. |
9 | Commanderror - bus boot. |
10 | Commanderror - open window. |
11 | Open load file error. |
12 | Commanderror - boot data. |
13 | Commanderror - end of file. |
14 | Commanderror - sense. |
15 | Out of buffers - GrantBuf routine. |
16 | Bad type - GrantBuf routine. |
17 | Power on diagnostics error. |
18 | Power on diagnostics timeout. |
19 | MP400 busy - DXPsend routine. |
20 | Controller failed to enter run state. |
21 | In ring failed. |
22 | Hardwareresetfailed. |
23 | Send maintenance interface block timeout. |
24 | Maintenance interface block response error. |
25 | Sendcommunicationblocktimeout. |
26 | Bad input command. |
27 | Receivedcommunicationblockresponsetimeout. |
28 | Communicationblockstatuserror. |
29 | UnknownLSAP. |
30 | Receivedatatimeout. |
31 | Send data timeout. |