5 |
ªModify Commandsº). If you are not logged in, you will not see the modify command listing.
A typical HELP command when you are not logged in, i.e., you are in Monitor level, is shown below:
> help |
<<< Monitor Commands >>> |
| ||
? | bps | channel | date | exs | help | log |
login | ltime | prog | node | show | sosw | stat |
tally | time |
A typical HELP command when you are logged in is shown below:
= help |
<<< Monitor Commands >>> |
| ||
? | bps | channel | date | exs | help | log |
login | ltime | prog | node | show | sosw | stat |
tally | time |
<<< Modify Commands | >>> |
| |
chbps | chdate | chltime | chsosw | chtime | clear | clsosw |
load | logout | net | ok | ping | rem | report |
repp | restart | stopp | stopt | test | trace |
Chapter 5 The Station Manager |