Procedure 6: Pinging the TCP/IP Interfaces on the Network . . . . | |
Chapter 3 The GEnet System Manager±Station Configuration | |
What is the GSM? | |
Why Does a Station Have to be Configured and Downloaded? | |
Connecting the GSM to the LAN Interface | |
Section 1: Installing and | |
Hardware Requirements | |
Installing the PC Network Card (for Network GSM Operation) | |
Installing the GEnet System Manager (GSM) Software | |
Local GSM Operation (Exclusively) | |
Network GSM Operation (or Both Local and Network) | |
Unusual Procedures | |
Updating or Adding to Existing GSM Software | |
Changing the PC Network Card | |
Working Your Way through the GSM Menus | |
GSM Keyboard Functions | |
GSM Menu Structure | |
Section 2: Configuring a Station | |
Information Needed to Configure a TCP/IP Ethernet Interface Station . . . | |
Configure a Station Screen | |
Creating a Station Configuration File | |
Selecting a Station Configuration File | |
Deleting a Station Configuration File | |
Structure of the MAC Address | |
Configuration Editor Menu for Series | |
Saving Changes Before Exiting the Configuration Editor Main Menu . . | |
TCP/IPParameters Screen | |
Advanced Parameters Menu | |
Data Link Parameters Screen | |
System Parameters Screen | |
Section 3: Downloading a Station | |
Download Station Screen | |
Downloading Locally (Over the Serial Port) | |
Downloading Over the Network |
vi | TCP/IP Ethernet Communications User's Manual ± January 1996 |