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Table 6-10. Exception Log Event Codes - Continued
Log Event
Event ª12º TCP events
Possible Cause and Resolution
This event is logged by the (TransmissionControlProtocol(TCP)layer. Entry 1 will always be zero.
Entry 2 identifies the type of error:
Unable to allocate a TCB in tcpmopen. Entry 3 contains the endpoint identifier number used in the tcpmopen call.
Internal error: NULL event function pointer used in call to tcpmopen. Entry 3 contains the endpoint identifier number used in the tcpmopen call.
Internal error: Lqsize size parameter of tcpmopen call used intcpmopen call is invalid. Entry 3 contains the endpoint identifier number used in the tcpmopen call. Entry 4 contains the offending lqsize parameter value.
Internal error: Invalid itcb parameter in tcpaccept call. Entry 4 contains the offending itcb parametervalue.
Internal error: Empty listen queue when tcpaccept was called.
Internal error: Invalid itcb parameter used in tcpattach call. Entry 3 contains the endpoint identifier number used in call. Entry 4 contains the offending itcbparametervalue.
Internal error: TCB not in ESTABLISHED state when tcpattach was called.Entry 3 contains the endpoint identifier number used in call. Entry 4 contains a code indicating the current state of the TCP connection.Validstate codes are listed in the description of Entry 2 = f.
Internal error: Illegal parameter specified in call to tcpread. Entry 3 contains an internal error code of interest to developers.
Internal error: TCB not in ESTABLISHED state when tcpread was called. Entry 4 contains a code indicating the current state of the TCP connection. Valid state codes are listed in the description of Entry 2 = f. Entry 5 contains an internal error code of interest to developers.
Internal error: Illegal parameter specified in call to tcpwr. Entry 3 contains an internal error code of interest to developers.
Internal error: TCB not in ESTABLISHED state when tcpwr was called.
Internal error: Invalid itcb parameter used in tcpclose call. Entry 3 contains the offending itcb parameter value.
Internal error: Invalid itcb parameter used in tcpclose call. Entry 3 contains the offending itcb parameter value.
Internal error: TCP function called before TCP task was initialized.
TCP/IP Ethernet Communications User's Manual ± January 1996 |