5 |
Table |
| |
Parameter | Description |
| Default Value | |
| DEC |
| HEX |
| IPConfigurationParameters |
iaddr | Local IP address * |
| | |
inetmask | Subnet Mask * |
| | |
idefgateway | Default Gateway * |
| | |
iname server | Name Server |
| | |
| ||||
ittl | Time to live | 69 |
| |
| 0040 | |||
ifrag_q_sz | Fragment queue size | 5 |
| 0005 |
| ||||
ifrag_q_s | Maximumfragmentsize | 5 |
| 0005 |
| ||||
ifrag_ttl | Fragment time to live | 15 |
| 000F |
| ||||
ifrag_tmr | Fragmenttimer | 100 |
| 0064 |
| ||||
| TCPConfigurationParameters |
wmin_to | Minimumtimeoutvalue | 100 |
| 0064 |
| ||||
wmax_to | Maximumtimeoutvalue | 1000 |
| 03E8 |
| ||||
wmax_conn | Maximum number of connections | 16 |
| 0010 |
| ||||
wretries | Maximum number of retries | 10 |
| 000A |
wtwo_seq_lt | Two minimum segment life times | 1 |
| 0001 |
| ||||
wpersist | Persisttime | 3000 |
| 0BB8 |
| ||||
wackdelay | ACK delay time | 50 |
| 0032 |
winput_q | Maximum input queue length | 2 |
| 0002 |
| ||||
wurg_q | Maximum urgent queue length | 2 |
| 0002 |
| ||||
wsegmt_sz | Maximumsegmentsize | 1460 |
| 05B4 |
| ||||
wsend_buf | Send buffer size | 2104 |
| 0838 |
| ||||
wrcv_buf | Receive buffer size | 2104 |
| 0838 |
| ||||
| ARPConfigurationParameters |
fretries | Maximum number of retries | 4 |
| 0004 |
| ||||
frun_time | Run time interval | 100 |
| 0064 |
| ||||
fttl | Time to live | 600 |
| 0258 |
| ||||
fcache_sz | Cache size | 16 |
| 0010 |
| ||||
vbufsz | SRTPServerConfigurationParameters |
| <<00080000>> | |
Buffer Size |
| |||
| ||
hmax_bpx_sz | ChannelAPI Configuration Parameters |
| <<00080000>> | |
Maximum bytes of data per transfer. |
| |||
*The SHOW command displays IP addresses in hexadecimal. For example ª3.4.5.6º would be shown as <<03040506>>.
Chapter 5 The Station Manager |