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10Broad36: 10Broad36 uses
The Ethernet Software
As stated above, the Ethernet Interface becomes fully functional only after additional software is downloaded from the GEnet System Manager. The downloaded software consists of:
The Station Manager. The Station Manager provides On±Line supervisory access to the Ethernet Interface, through either the serial port on the controller board or over the Ethernet cable. These Station Manager services on the Ethernet Interface include:
HAn interactive set of commands for interrogating and controlling the station.
HUnrestricted access to observe internal statistics, an exception log, and configuration parameters.
HPassword security for commands that change station parameters or operation.
The Ethernet Interface firmware provides some Station Manager functions. Downloaded software adds commands to provide more functionality.
Communications Software. This software consists of the TCP/IP protocol stack and in- terface software interfacing the protocol stack with the PLC.
Configuration File. This configuration data consists of an IP address for the Interface, a subnet mask, and the IP address of a gateway. This data is overridden by any TCP mode configuration configured for the Ethernet Interface in the LM90 configurator.
The GEnet System Manager (GSM)
The GEnet System Manager is a menu±driven software package that runs on a user±pro- vided Workmaster or IBM PC. The GSM provides various management and configura- tion tools. The GSM can be connected to the Ethernet Interface either with a serial RS±232 cable, or over the Ethernet cable. When used over Ethernet, one GSM can conveniently access any of the Ethernet Interfaces on that cable.
The most essential GSM tools are:
HThe Configuration Editor
HThe Downloader
HAccess to the Station Manager on the Ethernet Interface
In addition, the GSM has the following functions:
HExamine the list of configured Ethernet Interfaces.
HExamine and modify network±wide configuration parameters.
TCP/IP Ethernet Communications User's Manual ± January 1996 |