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Section 2: Configuring a Station
Aside from possibly using the GSM to access the Station Manager for field network test- ing, the first major GSM operation you will perform in
Within the GSM there are various configuration screens. There are screens for configur- ing stations, for tuning a network for ultimate performance, and for routing communica- tions through network routers.
Information Needed to Configure a TCP/IP Ethernet Interface Station
The most important information you will need to know before configuring a station is:
HStation Name
HStation Type
HStation MAC Address (the default MAC address can be found on the label on the faceplate of the TCP/IP Ethernet Interface).
HIP Address
If your network includes a gateway, you will also need the following information.
HSubnet Mask
HGateway Address
Configure a Station Screen
A number of different LAN Interface products may be present on the LAN. Each LAN Interface must be configured using that product's Configuration Editor before it can be downloaded. Before entering the Configuration Editor you must first access the Config- ure a Station Screen from the GSM Main Menu.
The Configure a Station Screen allows you to perform 3 main functions.
HCreate a Station Configuration File
HSelect an Existing Station Configuration File
HDelete a Station Configuration File
The Configure a Station Screen, shown below, is used to specify the Station Type and to assign a logical name (STATION_NAME) to the station. The STATION_NAME corre- sponds to the unique MAC_ADDRESS which physically identifies the station on the net- work. It is also used to modify certain configuration parameters for a station.
Chapter 3 The GEnet System Manager±Station Configuration |