The Station Manager
This chapter describes how to access and use the Station Manager software which re- sides on the Ethernet Interface. Each command is also defined here. The chapter is di- vided into three sections.
HSection 1. Accessing the Station Manager
HSection 2. Using the Station Manager
HSection 3. Command Descriptions
The Station Manager is a part of the communications software in the Ethernet Interface. The Station Manager executes as a background function on the Ethernet controller board to provide interactive supervisory access to the Ethernet Interface.
The Station Manager is available when the Ethernet Interface is fully operational or when it is running either the Soft Switch Entry or Field Network Test utilities. The Sta- tion Manager is not available when running
Station Manager Services
The Station Manager provides the following services:
HAn interactive set of commands to interrogate and control the Ethernet Interface.
HAccess to observe internal statistics, an exception log, and configuration parameters.
HPassword security for commands that change the Ethernet Interface parameters or states.
The Station Manager allows you to monitor the operation of the local station and the network. If a problem occurs at the local station or on the network, the Station Manager may be used to pinpoint the source of the problem through the various Monitor com- mands.