3 |
3.Create a directory for the GSM by typing:
C:\> mkdir gsm
4.Change the default directory to the GSM directory by typing:
C:\> cd gsm
Do not simply copy all of the files from the GSM diskette. Follow the installation procedure.
5.With the GSM directory as the default; place the LAN Interface software diskette into drive A or drive B. If you use drive A, type the instruction below.
C:\GSM> a:install
If you use drive B, type the instruction below.
C:\GSM> b:install
The files that make up the Configuration Editor, the Communications Software, and the GSM executable software are now installed in the GSM directory.
6.After the GSM files are installed, the following message will be displayed.
Current GSMCFG pathname is : C:\GSM\CFILES
Specify GSMCFG pathname | : | _ |
Where GSMCFG is the GSM environment variable which specifies the location of the station configuration files you will later create with the GSM.
The environment variable must be specified in your AUTOEXEC.BAT to take effect.
The current step, however, defines it only in the AUTOEXEC.GSM sample file in the
GSM directory.
It is recommended that you use the default pathname which is C:\GSM\CFILES (when installing on drive C).
To accept the default pathname, press Enter.
If you ever move your GSM station configuration files, you must redefine the GSMCFG variable in AUTOEXEC.BAT to specify the new location.
7.Next, you will be prompted to specify the type of network card installed in your PC.
A.If you are going to use the GSM for local operation only, enter ª0º (for no LAN interface installed).
B.If you are going to use the GSM for network operation only or for both network and local operation, specify the type of PC network card installed in your PC. Selections in the menu include the PC network card types listed in Table
This completes the installation of the software for Network GSM operation. You must now set up the various DOS system files as explained below before the GSM will run properly.
Chapter 3 The GEnet System Manager±Station Configuration |