5 |
Table | Data Link Tallies (part of Tally l) | |
Tally |
| Meaning |
Unreg |
| Numberof 802.3 frames received and discarded because the destination |
| LSAP was not configured in the node. |
Lsap0 |
| Number of frames received and discarded because the destination LSAP had |
| the value zero. |
LsapOfl |
| Number of LLC service requests rejected due to lack of LSAP table space. A |
| |
| error and should be reported to GE FanucAutomationimmediately. |
EthUnreg |
| Number of Ethernet frames received and discarded because the destination |
| Protocol was not configured in the node.. |
MacErr |
| A severe network fault prevented transmission of a frame for more than one |
| second. See Exception Log, Event c, Entry 2 = 10b. |
BufProb |
| A received LLC frame was lost due to the inability of the LLC software to |
| acquire a system buffer. This may indicate a memory configuration problem or |
| atemporary overload of traffic at the station. |
UnrecPdu |
| Number of 802.3 frames received and discarded because the LLC control field |
| isinvalid. |
TstRcvd |
| Number of test frames received. |
TstResp |
| Number of test frame responses sent. |
PadErr |
| Number of frames received which had a padding and the padding was more |
| than 48 bytes. |
Table | MAC Layer Tallies (part of Tally l) | |
Tally |
| Meaning |
SQEErr |
| Numberof times the SQE test failed. |
MisdPack |
| The number of packets a receiver lost due to a lack of receive buffers. |
FrameErr |
| The number of incoming packets that did not contain a multiple of eight bits. |
SuccOne |
| The number of times a successful transmission was made with exactly one retry. |
CrcErr |
| The number of incoming packets detected with a CRC error. |
RbufErr |
| The number of times the next buffer was unavailable while receiving a chained |
| datapacket. |
LateColl |
| The number of times a collision occurred after the slot time of the |
| channel had elapsed. |
LostCarr |
| The number of times the carrier was lost during a transmission. |
BsyCarr |
| The number of times the transmitter had to wait because it sensed a busy carrier |
| signal. |
NoRtry |
| The number of times a successful transmission was made with no |
| retriesneeded. |
SuccMore |
| The number of times a successful transmission was made with more than one |
| retry. |
FRtry |
| The number of times the transmission failed despite using the maximum of 15 |
| retries. |
TCP/IP Ethernet Communications User's Manual ± January 1996 |