5 |
In TCP/IP configuration mode, the only permitted use of CHSOSW is CHSOSW MMS
MODE. This changes the configuration mode to
The Soft Switch data parameters must be entered as specified above. The parameter label (mac, ldsrc, lanonline, bponline, ldmac, mms, or pgmr) must precede the new pa- rameter value.
The <MAC_address> parameter is the station's working MAC address. This parameter is entered as a byte string. A value of all 0's for this parameter means that the perma- nent globally administered station address (Default Station Address) is used. This pa- rameter may not be a multicast or a broadcast address. See the section titled ªThe MAC Addressº in Appendix G.
The <load_source> parameter indicates the source of the communications software download. This parameter should be one of the ASCII string values shown in the table below.
Table 5-7. Load Source Parameters
Parameter Value | Description | |
ALT * | Alternate between all possible load sources | |
LOC | Load from local serial port | |
NET | Load from network | |
* Default Value
The <yes_no> parameter indicates whether the Ethernet Interface will initialize and enter the network or initialize the Backplane Communications with the CPU. This pa- rameter has a value of YES or NO.
The <load_addr> parameter is the multicast address used by the Ethernet Interface for network loads. This parameter is entered as a byte string. A value of all 0's for this pa- rameter means the default multicast load address <<090060000000>> is used. This parameter may not be the broadcast address, but must be a multicast address.
The pgmr <enable> parameter defines the type of communications software which can download the Ethernet Interface. pgmr refers to the communications software down- loaded by Logicmaster 90 software. <enable> = {dc req prhb} defines further conditions of the download (where dc = Don't Care, req = Required, prhb = Prohibited. The default is Don't Care).
For example, the command ªCHSOSW PGMR PRHBº prohibits the Logicmaster 90 Net- work Utilities from downloading this Ethernet Interface. Only the GSM can download this Interface. In addition, once the Interface is downloaded, Logicmaster
The CHSOSW command does not require that every parameter be entered. If a Soft Switch label/value pair is omitted, one of two results occur depending on the current Soft Switch data. If the current data is determined to be valid, any parameters that are not entered are left unchanged. However, if the Soft Switch data is determined to be invalid, all parameters omitted are set to their respective default values. Default values are shown in the the table below. At least one parameter label/value pair must be en- tered.
Using the CHSOSW command with the single parameter ªdefº causes all Soft Switch values to be set to their defaults.
Chapter 5 The Station Manager |