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Section 3: Downloading a Station
This section describes only the activities at the GSM associated with downloading a sta- tion. For a complete procedure on downloading communication software and configu- ration information to a station, see Chapter 2, Procedure 4.
Download Station Screen
The Download Station screen provides a means to download LAN Interfaces via local serial port or the network (depending on selection in the System Network Parameters Menu). After a configuration file has been created and saved, the communication soft- ware and configuration file must be loaded into the desired station. The GSM Down- loader Screen is used to load the station.
Figure 3-10. Download Station Screen
Downloading Locally (Over the Serial Port)
If you have selected Local Download Mode in the GSM Setup menu, you will be prompted for the name of the station to be downloaded. This is the same 20 character name you used when you configured the station from the Configure a Station menu. Note that the station must be previously configured. As an alternate method of identify- ing the station to be downloaded, you may enter its MAC address, or you may select the station name from a list by entering
Chapter 3 The GEnet System Manager±Station Configuration |