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Table 6-10. Exception Log Event Codes - Continued
Log Event |
Code | Possible Cause and Resolution |
Eventª1bº | This event is logged by the Service Request Transfer Protocol(SRTP) Server mod- |
SRTP Server | ule when an exceptional condition occurs. Entry 1 will always be zero. |
events | Entry 2 contains a code unique to each type of unexpected event. Entry 3 con- |
| tains a code identifying the SRTP Server software component which logged the |
| event. |
| Entries 4, 5, and 6 identify additional information specific to the type of event de- |
| scribed in entry 2. |
| Entry 2 codes are given below. |
Internal error: Failed to QAlloc a buffer. Entry 4 contains the buffer size in bytes.
Internal error: Failed to PoolAlloc a buffer pool. This event causes the Ethernet Interface to restart. If this error occurs within the first 60 seconds after the Ethernet Interface was restarted or power cycled, the automatic restart will force the Ethernet Interface into the Soft Switch Entryutility.
Internal error: Failed to BuffAlloc a buffer. Entry 4 contains the buffer size in bytes.
Internal error: An endpoint identifier other than that of the parent has appeared in a context in which a parent endpoint is expected. Entry 4 contains the offending endpoint identifier.
A TCP error event was issued to the SRTP Server. In many cases there may be a log entry immediately preceding this one which has an event code of ª0x12º; this entry may indicate the reason for sending the TCP error event. Entry 4 contains the number of the local endpoint
Internal error: Failed to tcpmopen a parent endpoint as part of SRTP Server task initialization. As a result, any incoming TCP connections to SRTP will be rejected by TCP (via RST).
Internal error: Failed to tcpaccept an incoming TCP connection.
Internal error: Failed to tcpattach an endpoint identifier to an incoming TCP connection.
An attempt to tcpread from a TCP connection failed. Entry 4 contains the number of bytes requested to read. Entries 5 and 6 are a segment:offset base address of the memory to receive the read bytes.
An attempt to tcpwr to a TCP connection failed. Entry 4 contains the number of bytes requested to write. Entries 5 and 6 are a segment:offset base address of the memory to supply the written bytes.
Internal error: Detected a NULL mailbox pointer.
Chapter 6 Troubleshooting |