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CLEAR Command
The CLEAR command has the form:
The CLEAR command sets various Ethernet Interface data structures to initial values, usually zeros.
HIf the CLEAR EXS command is entered, the Extended Status Buffer is cleared to an initial state where only the 2 software versions are
HIf the CLEAR LOG command is entered, all Exception log entries are discarded and the log is set to an empty state. The CLEAR LOG command also turns on the STATUS OK LED on the Ethernet Interface.
HIf the CLEAR TALLY command is entered, all tallies are set to a value of zero, with the exception of the System Memory Tallies: TimReset and Restart and the PLC Driver Tallies: Regs, KbLogic, and uCode.
HIf the CLEAR HEAP command is entered, the minimum system buffer free count values maintained by the STAT B command are reset to the current free count values.
A typical CLEAR TALLY command is shown below:
=clear tally
Tallies cleared
CLSOSW Command
(Not recommended if the PLC CPU is configured properly.)
The changes made with either the Logicmaster 90 Configurator or the CLSOSW command will not take effect until the next Ethernet Interface restart.
The CLSOSW command clears the SOSW valid bit in the soft switches stored in the Ethernet Interface EEPROM. This ensures that the LAN controller board must receive new soft switch values before it can be restarted and put into service. On the next re- start, if the Ethernet Interface is configured in the Series
The CLSOSW command is shown below:
= clsosw
Updating, please wait ...
Chapter 5 The Station Manager |