Page | Robertson AP45 Autopilot |
| Installation |
Connection to Navigation Receiver
The AP45 is preset to accept signals of NMEA 0183 format. For 180/182 format, please contact your Simrad Robertson dealer.
Correct NMEA format, baud rate and current loop polarity are found in the navigation receiver manual.
For older AP45’s with s.n. below 4000 (Main PCBs with revision up to and including revision G), the N40 Navigation Interface must be mounted in the control unit. The N40 is plugged into the holes provided on the Main PCB (Fig.
N40 Nav. Interface mounting
(For Main PCBs with revision up to and including revision G)
The AP45 is set to correct polarity and Baud rate by putting the
Sentences used are: APA, APB, XTE, XTR, RMB, BWW, BWC, BWR, BOD, HSC.
The AP45 automatically selects the sentence(s) to use according to the “NMEA Priority table” on page
Position 3: NMEA 0180, standard polarity
Position 8: NMEA 0183, inverse polarity
Position 9: NMEA 0183, standard polarity
Both a hardware setting (switch or strap), and a software selection from the info- loop is necessary to select the Nav. Interface format (0180, 0183).
The NMEA format is selected under the installation loop, see page
For receivers with NMEA 0183 format that outputs both XTE and Bearing to waypoint type of nav. information, the autopilot displays the XTE information between the waypoints, and Bearing information at the waypoint.
Simrad Robertson AS
Egersund - Norway