Robertson AP45 Autopilot | Page |
Installation |
FU91 with mode switching
The two diodes (1N4002 or similar) and the resistor can be mounted either in the AP45 J3 connector or in the FU91 terminal board. By giving resistor R different values, following mode changes are possible:
R = 1.0K: Auto → | Dodge → | Auto |
R = 3.0K: Auto → | Manual → | Manual |
R = 5.1K: Auto → | Manual → | Auto |
See also page
Multiple FU91 installation is not recommended with AP45 unless the optional FU- Junction box is used. Connections are shown in Fig.
If mode switching is required, the resistor and the two diodes must be mounted between the
FU91 Multiple installation
Simrad Robertson AS
Egersund - Norway