Example: Let’s say you receive a call on a phone in your home that is not an extension of TalkSwitch and you want to transfer the caller to Remote
Extension 215. You would then dial , wait for the ‘double beep’ then dial 215 and hang up. TalkSwitch will now handle the call. For more details, see section 3.2.8.
Transfer and clear:
TalkSwitch has the ability to clear lines after a call has been transferred. Ensure you have this service/feature activated on your line(s).
Remote Transfer:
When calls are transferred to a Remote or VoIP Extension, calls can be transferred
back to another extension or voice mailbox by dialing to place the caller on hold then enter the extension or mailbox. If this is set to Allow screening of
calls, then you would dial 4 to complete the transfer. If you want to cancel
the transfer, then dial 5. If you have selected ‘Perform a blind transfer’, then the call will be automatically transferred and the line released once the extension or mailbox has been entered. Miscellaneous
All of the following options affect TalkSwitch as a system. Adjust them according to your needs.
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