General Voicemail
General Voicemail is similar in features to both Local and Remote Extension Voicemail. These are generic mailboxes used for general purposes, such as messages for a sales team, or technical support group.
Play announcement only:
If you want to use this mailbox for informational purposes only and prevent callers from recording messages, then check the 'Play announcement only' box.
If a caller presses ‘0’:
Select what action to take when a caller presses “0” during the different modes while in a voice mailbox:
go to voice mailbox: go to local extension: go to remote extension: go to ring groups: play announcements: go to auto attendant: perform no action:
Callers will be transferred to the specified mailbox. Callers will be transferred to the specified local extension. Callers will be transferred to the specified remote extension. Callers will be transferred to the specified ring group. Callers will be transferred to the specified announcement. Callers will be transferred to the Auto Attendant.
No action will be performed when ‘0’ is pressed.
TalkSwitch User Guide