Theory of Operation
3-44 2715 Spectrum Analyzer Service Manual
Table3 -6: Mode Control Register 2 (Cont.)
Number Description
4 MKRWFM0 Low Markers on Display A
3UPDATED_L Low DisplayD updat ing, not in save mode
2UPDATEC_L Low DisplayC updat ing, not in save mode
1UPDATEB_L Low DisplayB updat ing, not in save mode
0UPDATEA_L Low DisplayA updat ing, not in save mode
MKRWFM3. This bit, when low and the boardis in the Normal Mode, enables
both markers to be displayed on theD waveform. When the board is in the
Enhanced Mode, this bit, wh en combined with the MKRWFM2 bit determines
on which waveform Marker 3 will be placed, as sh own in Table3 --7.
MKRWFM2. This bit, when low and the boardis in the Normal Mode, enables
both markers to be displayed on theC waveform. When the board is in the
Enhanced Mode, this bit, wh en combined with the MKRWFM3 bit determines
on which waveform Marker 2 will be placed, as sh own in Table3 --7.
Table3 - 7: Enhanced Mode MKRWFM[3.. 2] Bit Assignment
MKRWFM3 MKRWFM2 Marker 2 on Waveform...
0 0 Waveform A
0 1 Waveform B
1 0 Waveform C
1 1 Waveform D
MKRWFM1. This bit, when low and the boardis in the Normal Mode, enables
both markers to be displayed on theB waveform. When the board is in the
Enhanced Mode, this bit, wh en combined with the MKRWFM0 bit determines
on which waveform Marker 1 will be placed, as sh own in Table3 --8.
MKRWFM0. This bit, when low and the boardis in the Normal Mode, enables
both markers to be displayed on theA waveform. When the board is in the
Enhanced Mode, this bit, wh en combined with the MKRWFM1 bit determines
on which waveform Marker 0 will be placed, as sh own in Table3 --8.