Adjustment Procedures
5-52 2715 Spectrum Analyzer Service Manual
The following procedure measuresthe instruments response over the input
frequency range(15 MHz to 1000 MHz) to a known amplitude input. Once this
data is available, it is transferredto the instrument operating system. The
operating system uses the datato correct certain CATV measurements.
The following steps describe the Amplitude Flatness Adjustment process.
HSet up computer
HMeasure flatness response
HTransferdata to instrument operating system
HCheck flatness corrections
Preliminary Adjustment Procedure and Environment Requirements. Before
performing this step, reinstall thecabinet (removed at the start of this procedure)
and allow the instrument to warm up forat least one hour. After a stable
temperature is reached, run the instrumen t normalization routine as described in
Perform Service Normalizations on page 5-- 36.
For proper flatness adjustment, the ambient temperaturefor the instrument
should be within ±5°C of the temperature where normalization was performed.
The ambient temperatureduring factory normalization is 25°C.
Amplitude Flatness