Adjustment Procedures
2715 Spectrum Analyzer Service Manual 5-51
E/O Output Check. Use this procedure to check the E/O Output.
1. Move the test oscilloscope channel 2 probe to pin 23 of the extender.
2. Looking at the test oscilloscope screen, verify the following:
a. E/O Output waveform (test oscilloscopeCH 2) resembles a 0 to + 5 V
square wave. Refer to Figure 5-- 21.
b. E/O Output changes state with each vi deo vertical sync pulse (CH 1).
c. E/O Output is locked to video vertical syncpulse. (No erratic behavior
500 mV/DIV
Figure 5-21: E/O Output Waveform
3. Turn the 2715 POWER off.R econnectthe cables to the Video Demod board
and reinstall it without the extenderboard.