2715 Spectrum Analyzer Service Manual 6-13
Corrective MaintenanceCorrective maintenanceconsists of component replacement and in strument
repair.Special techniques and procedures that may be required to remove and
replace assembliesor components in this instrument are described here.
Handling Static Sensitive Components. Most semiconductor types, both separately
and in assemblies, are susceptible to damage to static charge,see Table 6--1on
Page 6--2 for voltage levels. Werecommend static sensitive procedures be
followed for all operations involving semiconductor handling.
Obtaining Replacement Parts. All electrical and mechanical parts are avai lable
through your local TektronixField Office or representative. The Replaceable
Parts list contains replacement parts orderi ng information.
Parts orientation and lead dressshould be duplicated, because some co mponents
are oriented to reduce interaction between circui ts or control circuit characteris-
Where applicable, animproved part will be substituted when a replacement is
ordered. If the change is complex, your local Field Officeor representative will
contact you concerning thechange. After repair, the circuits may need recalibra-
Parts Repair and Return Program. Assemblies containing hybrid circuits or
substrates in a semisealedmodule, and complex assemblies, such as the 1st LO,
can be returned to Tektronixfor repair under the repair and returnprogram.
Tektronix repair centers provide replacement o r repair service on major
assemblies as well as the unit. Return theinstrument or assembly to your local
Field Office for this service, or contactyour local Field Office for repair and
exchange information.
Selected Components. A few components are selectedto meet certain parameters
such as temperature compensation, or to centerthe range of some adjustable
components. The selected componentsare identified as selectable in the
Replaceable Electrical Parts list. The replaceable parts list des cription for the
component gives a nominal value. The procedurefor selection is explained in the
Maintenance Adjustments.
Replacing Firmware EPROM Devices.Fi rmware for the microcomputer is
contained in a set of ROMs on the Microprocessor and either GPIB or RS-232
boards. Refer to the Replaceable Electrical Parts list for the versions and part
numbers. Refer to Replacing Transisto ran d Integrated Circuit for procedure.