Adjustment Procedures
5-56 2715 Spectrum Analyzer Service Manual
12. Enter Maximum Output Frequency in Hz. For Wiltron6769A: 40e9
13. Enter the GPIB command that sets frequency.Enter the string of characters
that comprise the CW frequency command. The actualfrequency and units
will be appended to this command by the software.For Wiltron 6769A: CF1
14. Enter the maximum number of digits that can be sent in a GPIB frequency
command. If there is a limitation on the number of frequency digits the
signal generator will accept (not inclu ding sign or decimal point or units),
enter that limit. Most signal generatorshave no such limit, so enter 0. For
Wiltron 6769A: 0
15. Enter units to append Frequency number that denotes Hz (<Return> if not
required). Enter the string that will be appended to the numeric partof a
frequency command that will designate Hz. If no Hz units are available,
enter *NONE*. For Wiltron 6769A: *NONE*
16. If no Hz units are available, or if an insufficientnumber of digits can be sent
to the signal generator to setit to its maximum frequency in Hz, then you
will be prompted to enter the units forkHz. As with Hz, enter the string of
characters that will cause the signal generato rt o interpret the frequency
number to be kHz. If no kHz units are available, enter *NONE*. For
Wiltron 6769A: KH
17. If no Hz or kHz units are available, or if an insufficientnumber of digits has
been sent to the signal generatorto set it to its maximum frequency in kHz,
then you will be prompted to enter theunits for MHz. As with kHz, enter the
string of characters that will cause the sign al generator to interpret the
frequency number to be MHz. If no MHz units are available, enter*NONE*.
For Wiltron 6769A: not applicable
Changing System Configuration. If you wish to change system configuration
(differentgenerator or power meter) you must again run CONFIG and reenter the
test equipment being used. If the power sensor is not to be changed, when
prompted for power sensor calibrationfactors, type <RETURN> at the frequency
prompt, and the existing file of data will be used. If the user defined signal
generator is not to be changed,select User Defined Signal Generator at the
Signal Generator selectionmenu, then answer N to the next prompt.