Adjustment Procedures
5-8 2715 Spectrum Analyzer Service Manual
12. Adjust R639 (HV) on the Power Supply board for --2750 V ±5Vatthe
2.75KV test point. The DC level at TP120 should lie between 50 V and
250 V.
NOTE. The signal at TP120 is a 20 V triangle waveform with a DC component.
The DC component should lie between 50 V and 250 V after R639 is adjusted.
13. Press UTIL five times to returnthe display to the spectral display mode. Set
INTENSITY fully counterclockwise.
14. Adjust R703 (Z AXIS) on the Power Supply board until the display just
disappears (no beam current).
15. Set R110 (FOCUS) on the Power Supply board fully clockwise.
16. AdjustR 704 (ASTIG) on the Power Supply board for as round a dot as possible.
17. Adjust R110 on the Power Supply board forthe sharpest display.
18. Enable the DEFLECTION AMP CAL signal by pressing UTIL521.Press
any menu button to exit the menu.
19. Disable DISPLAYS TORAGE and READOUT,and enable ZERO SPAN.
20. Press SWEEP six times.
21. Adjust VERT POS (R6) at the rear panel to position the top of the square
wave to the top edge of the screen.
22. Adjust TRACE ROT (R7 )at t he rearp anel for a level trace.
23. Adjust R705 (GEO) on the Power Supply board and VERTPOS (R6) at the
rear panel for the straightesttrace possible at the top edge of the screen.
24. Adjust R910 (VERT GAIN) on theP owerSupply board to place the bottom
of the trace at the bottom graticule line.
25. Disable the DEFLECTION AMP CAL signal by pressing UTIL521and
enable SWEEP CAL by pres sing 3. Press any menu button to exit the menu.
26. Adjust HORIZ POS (R5) on the rear panel to position the CRTbeam to the
center vertical graticule line.
27. Move the beam at the right edge of the graticule by pressing SWEEPthree
28. Adjust R900 (HOR GAIN) on the Power Supply board to place thebeam at
the right edge of the graticule.