Theory of Operation
3-80 2715 Spectrum Analyzer Service Manual
The lock control circuitryis used to switch the AFC loop (mentioned in the
downconverter description)ON or OFF as required in the course of getting the
video demodulator locked onto a newTV channel. The AFC loop needs to be
reset by the instrument firmware on certain occas ions (such as instrument
re-- tuning) to assure that the demodulatoris locked to the correct channel.
The locking procedure, carriedout by the instrument’s firmware, is to first tune the
spectrum analyzer to the desired cen ter frequency. Then, the microprocessor applies
a nominally correct tuning voltageto one half of CR2 by sending an appropriate
setting to the DAC. At this point the demodulator may still be lockedto the wrong
thing (if so, usually the adjacent ch annel’ssound carrier), so the final step in the
procedure is to momentarilydisable the AFC by switching the AFC tuning line to a
midrange value (done by part of U8). When this is done, the demodulator IC will
re-- lock to thecorrect video carrier, although the IF frequency will still be offby as
much as a few hundred kHzdue to drift and tolerances. After a brief delay the
microprocessor re--enables the AFC, which restores the frequency offset to virtually
zero. At this point, valid sync pulses are available from the video demodulator
The tuning DAC setting used is calculated from:dac_val = 165 -- 20.44 * freq_diff.
The dac_val ranges from0 through 255, and the freq_diff is the difference in MHz
between the instrument’sfrequency setting and that channel’s visual carrier
frequency.For example, if the instrument is to measure the CSO component at
1.25 MHz above the visual carrier,the correct dac_val is 139.
SweepA Miller integrator, U270, is the core of the sweep generator. With a logic low at pin
16 of the analog switch U260B, the switch is closed. All of thetiming current from
pin 3 of U170 then flows through the switch, and the voltageacross the switch is
nearly 0 V.Thus, the sweep voltage is approximately the same as the voltage at pin 3
of U270 〈≈+1.3 V). When the sweeplogic circuit, U460, receives the prop er signal,
pin 19 goes to a high state and the switch (U260B)opens. All of the timing current
is then steered to the timing capacitors,and they begin to charge. Operational
amplifier U270 maintains a 0V difference between its input pins 2 and 3 by
changing its output vo ltage to provide the displacement current t o the timing
capacitors. Since the capacito r charges linearly, the resultant output at pin 6 of U2 70
appears to decrease linearly. Thus, the sweep is generated .
The sweep continues to decreaseuntil the voltage at pin 9 of U470B is less than the
voltage at pin 10 (of U470B). At that time, the output of U470B goes to alow state
and clears the sweep gate flip flop inside U460, and a retracecycle is initiated. The
sweep logic circuit, U460, sets pin 16 of U260B low,closing the analog switch. The
timing current is diverted fromthe timing capacitors, and the capacitors begin to
discharge. The resultantsweep voltage starts to rise. When sweep voltage discharges
to within 28 mV of its final value, the output of U540B goes to a high state.This
releases holdoffcapacitors C253 and C252. One of these begins to charge.