Adjustment Procedures
5-12 2715 Spectrum Analyzer Service Manual
30. Adjust R705 (GEO) on the Power Supply board and VERTPOS (R6) at the
rear panel for the straightesttrace possible at the top edge of the screen.
31. Adjust R910 (VERT GAIN) on theP owerSupply board to place the bottom
of the trace at the bottom graticule line.
32. Disable the DEFLECTION AMP CAL signal by pressing UTIL521and
enable SWEEP CAL by pres sing 3. Press any menu button to exit the menu.
33. Adjust HORIZ POS (R5) on the rear panel to position the CRTbeam to the
center vertical graticule line.
34. Move the beam at the right edge of the graticule by pressing SWEEPthree
35. Adjust R900 (HOR GAIN) on the Power Supply board to place thebeam at
the right edge of the graticule.
Use this procedure to adjust R290 and R280 on the Sweepboard. HORIZ POS
(R5) on the rear panel. R901 on the PowerS upply board.
HTest equipmentrequired:
Multimeter (DMM)
1. Recall default power up settings by pressing UTIL 1 1.
2. Disable the DISPLAYS TORAGE, and centerthe beam by pressing
UTIL523. Press any menu button to exit the menu.
3. Monitor TP2 with the Multimeter. See Figure 5--1 for the location of TP2.
4. Adjust R290 on the Sweep board (Figure 5--1) for 0.0 V ±2mVatTP2.
5. Adjust HORIZ POS (R5) on the rear panel to position the CRTbeam to the
center vertical graticule line.
6. Move the beam at the right edge of the graticule by pressing SWEEPthree
7. Adjust R280 on the Sweep board (Figure 5--1) for --1.190 V at TP2.
8. Adjust R901 on the Power Supply board (Figure 5--1) to place the beam at
the right edge of the graticule.
9. Disable the Sweep Cal signal by pressing UTIL523.Exit the menu by
pressing any menu button. Press SWEEP AUTOto en able the sweep.
Sweep and HorizontalDeflection Amplifier