2715 Spectrum Analyzer Service Manual 6-5
Figure 6- 2: SignalSt eering Square Pins
Conversely, anexternal signal may be injected on any one of these signal lines
by removing the proper jumperon the signal line, selecting a BNC connector,
and applying the external signalto the selected connector.
The double shielded coaxial cableswith SMB connectors and the coaxial cable
with square pin connectors arefor interboard connections when needed.
VisualInspection. Aft ercl eaning, carefully check the instrument for such defects
as defective connections and damaged parts . The remedy for most visible defects
is obvious. If heat damaged parts are discovered, try to determinethe cause of
overheating before the damaged part is replaced; o therwise, the damage may be
Transistor and Integrated Circuit Checks. All transistors and integratedcircuits are
soldered on the boards to preventpin contact problems. Periodic checks of the
transistors and integratedcircuits is not recommended. The best measure of
performance is the actualoperation of the component in the circuit. In most cases
any degradation in performance will be detect ed by the microprocessor during
power up. Performance of these components is also checkedduring
NORMALIZATION;any substandard transistors or integrated circuits will
usually be detected at thattime.