Adjustment Procedures
2715 Spectrum Analyzer Service Manual 5-3Table5 -1: Test Equipment (Cont.)
TestEquipment RecommendedCharacteristics
75 Power Sensor 10 MHz to 1 GHz frequency range
--30dBm to +20 dBm input power range
HP 8483A
Single Channel Power Meter 50 N male termination Wiltron26N50 or equivalent
10 dB and 1 dB Step Attenuators Range : 110 dB in combination 10 dB and
1 dB steps. Accuracy: ±0.1 dB frequency
range: 0 to 1.8 GHz
HP 355C and 355D, calibrated using
precision standard attenuators such as
Weinschel Model AS-6
Attenuator 20 dB N Weinschel Model 2-20
Attenuator 6dBN Weinschel Model 2-6
Min. Loss Attenuator 50- 75 Tektronix Part No. 011-0057-01
BNC Maleto SMB Female Coaxial Cable Tektronix Part No. 012-0532-00
50 BNC Male to Square Pin Female
TektronixPart No. 175-2140-00
GPIB Interface Cable(s) 2 meters long Three GPIB Interconnecting cables,
TektronixPart No. 012-0630-01
TwoAt tenuators with BNC Connectors 6dB(2X);DCto2GHz;50TektronixPart No. 011-0069-02
Terminators 75BNC female t ermination TektronixPart No. 011-0102-00
50 --75 Min Loss Pad DC--1 GHz frequency range Trilithlic ZM-57 N female --BNC male
Weinschel Model 1506A
PowerDivider DC --1GHz frequency range
SMA Female to Female Adapter Tektronix Part No. 015-1012-00
Connector Adapters 75 N female to BNC m ale HP 1250-1534
Connector Adapter 75 BNC female to BNC female HP 1250-1287
Coaxial Cable 50 N Type, 6 ft. TektronixPart No. 012-0114-00
Frequency Standard 100 MHz Oscillator with an accuracyof 1 X 10-- 9
(WWV Receiverin the USA)
Isolation Transformer At least 500 VA Stancor GIS21000
Personal Computer Minimum of 80286 based PC (IBM PC AT
or greater,or equi valent), EGA or VGA
graphics card and monitor, Interface card
with serial (RS--232)port, MS-DOS 3.1 or
later, and a National PCIIA GPIB interface
board, or compatible.
Performance Check Software 271X Flatness Tests software included with
this manual