Theory of Operation
2715 Spectrum Analyzer Service Manual 3-65
Reading from a module begins with the module requesting service through its
activelow request signal (FPREQ-- for the front panel, ...).This signal goes into
a priority encoder (U780)on the Power Supply Secondaries, then pulls the
Microprocessor boardInterrupt Handler, IRQ1, high. The outputs of the priority
encoder are then used to acknowledgethe request for service that activates the
output buffers on the module requesting service.At the same time, the outputs of
the priority encoder,ADI0 through ADI2, are fed into the I/O Subsystem status
register, U595. Thisstatus register is then read, due to the interrupt, and the
address of the module requesting serviceis determined from the ADI0 through
ADI2 lines. Now the process of reading in the data from the module requesting
service can begin.
The lowest bit of the I/O Subsystem status register contains the data from the
module to be read. After each CLKI--signal , the status register is read and the
data is linked together in a s eries until all data has been received. The C LKI--
signal is generated the same way as the C LKO-- sign al described earlier.
The memory on the Microprocessorboard consists of two sections, 128 kilobytes
(16 ×8 kilobytes) of Random Access Memory (RAM), and up to 524 k ilobytes
(64 ×8 kilobytes) of Read Only Memory (ROM). The RAM is used forC PU
processing and data space, wh ile the ROM contains all of the system firmware.
Access to the RAM, for eith er reading or writing, consists of sending out the
address for the byte to be accessed. This addres s is decoded by U515, and the
appropriate enableline pulled low to select the memory device that is to be
Access to the ROM (read only) is performed in th es ame way as the RAM.
Jumpers (and wires for a more permanentmethod) are provided on the Micropro-
cessor board for selectingthe size of EPROM and RAM memory chips used.
Table3 --16 shows the configuration of jumpers/wires for various size memory
Table3 -16: Configuration of Jumpers/Wires for
VariousMemor y ICSizes
MemorySize Jumpers/Wires to Install
27256 W525A W518B
27512 W525A W518A W522
27010 W525A W518A
27020 W525B W518A
43256 W526A
4364 W526B