6-20 2715 Spectrum Analyzer Service Manual
3. Disconnect the CRT anode leadand discharge it to the main chassis.
WARNING. The CRT anode lead retains a high voltage chargeafter the instru-
ment is turned off. Toavoid electrical shock, ground the anode lead to the main
chassis immediately after disconnecting.
4. Disconnect the two pin connector(Trace Rotation) from J930 on the Power
Supply board.
5. Use a T15 Torx driver to remove the two CRT bezel screws, and remove the
6. Remove the CRT rear coverand plastic shield.
7. Disconnect the CRT socket.
8. Slide the CRT out through the front panel.
Replace the CRT by reversingthe removal procedure.
The trace rotation coil is part of the CRTassembly. If the coil is damaged beyond
repair, the CRT with the damaged coil mus t be replaced.
If the finish (red)lead is broken, remove the tape and unwind one or two turns so
it can be replaced and soldered to the lead wire. Rew ind and retape.
If the start (black)lead is broken and the lead is too short to resplice, attempt to
fish out the broken end so one or two turnscan be unwound, resplice and solder
to the lead; then rewind and retape.
In all three instances, the CRT must be removedfrom the instrument.
Performance of the instrument i s easily degraded if coaxial connectors are loos e,
dirty, or damaged. The following procedurewill help ensure that the connection
is good enough to maintain proper performance.
1. Use a 5/16 inch open end wrenchto loosen or tighten the connectors. It is
good practice to use a secondwrench to hold the rigid (receptacle) portion o f
the connector to preventbending or twisting the cable.
2. Ensure that the plug and receptacle are clean and free of any foreign m atter.
3. Insert the plug connector full y into the receptacle before screwing the nut on .
Tighten the connectionto 8 in-lb to ensure that the connection is tight. Do
not overtighten, because t his can damage the connector.
Replacing the CRT TraceRotationCoilReplacing SemirigidCoaxial Cables