1-24 2715 Spectrum Analyzer Service Manual
Table1 -12: Safety Certification Compliance
Category Description
Temperature(operating) +5°Cto+50°C
Altitude (maximum operating) 2000 meters (6562 ft.)
RelativeHumidity (maximum op-
80% for temperatures up to 31°C, decreasing linearly to 50% at 40°C
Equipment Type Test and Measuring
SafetyClass Class I (as defined in IEC 1010-1, Annex H)grounded product
Overvoltage Category OvervoltageCategory II (as defined in IEC 1010-1, Annex J)
Pollution Degree Pollution Degree 2 (as defined in IEC 1010-1)
Note: Rated for indoor use only.
Table1 -13: Safety Standards
Category Standards
U.S. Nationally Recognized
TestingLaboratory Listing
UL1244 --Standard for Electrical and Elect ronic Measuring and TestingEquipment
Canadian Certification CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 231 Safety Requi rements for Electrical and Electronic Measuring and Test
European Union Compliance Low VoltageDi rective 73/23/EEC, as Amended by 93/68/EEC
EN61010-1/A1 Safety Requirements for Electrical Equipment for
Measurement, Control, and Laboratory Use
Additional Compliance UL3 111-1 Standard for Electrical Measuring and Test Equipment
IEC1010-1 Safety Requirements for Electrical Equipment for
Measurement, Control, and Laboratory Use