2715 Spectrum Analyzer Service Manual 6-3
deionized water.Abrasive cleaners should not be used. If the circuit board
assemblies need cleaning, removethe circuit board by referring to the instruc-
tions under Corrective Maintenanceon Page 6 --13.
After cleaning, allow the interiorto dry thoroughly before applying power to the
NOTE. Do not allow water to get inside any enclosed assembly or components
such as the hybrid assemblies,RF Attenuator assembly, potentiometers, etc.
Instructions for removingthese assemblies are provided in the Corrective
Maintenance on Page 6--13 part of this section. Do not clean any plastic
materials with organic cleaning solventssuch as benzene, toluene, xylene,
acetone, or similar compounds because they may damage the plastic.
The following is a list of tools and fixturesthat are needed to service the
Spectrum Analyzer:
HScrewdriver,flat, with 1/4 to 3/8 inch bit
HScrewdriver,P osidriv440-2
HScrewdrivers, TorxT15 and T20
HWrench, 5/16 inchopen end
HHex drive wrenches, 3/32, 5/64,7/64 inch
HTorque Wrench Kit
An optional service kit (the ExtenderKit) is available to aid in servicing the
Spectrum Analyzer.The Extender Kit consists of the following:
HMain Extender Board
HSmall Extender Board
HExtender Board for the 300 Hz Bandpass Filter board
HThree SMB male to female cables
HTwo SMA male to male cables
HTwo SMA femaleto female adapters
HFemale BNC to female SMB cable
HMale BNC to square pin cable
HData sheet
Fixtures and ToolsforMaintenance