Tableof C ontents
viii 2715 Spectrum Analyzer Service Manual
Table3-18: Power Supply and Serial Bus Connector(J10)
Signal Names and Defin itions 3-68............................
Table 3-19:Microprocessor Interface Connector (J550)
Signal Names and Defin itions 3-69............................
Table 3-20: Microprocessor Counter Section Conn ector
Signal Names and Defin itions 3-70............................
Table3-21: Connectors and Signal Namesfor the Frequency
Counter Section 3-70.......................................
Table 3-22:Pin out for the 24-Pin DIN Connector (J10) Betweenthe
Microprocessor Board,Power Supply Interconnect,
and Serial I/O 3-71.........................................
Table 3-23:Pin out for the MicroprocessorBoard Test
Connector (J150) 3-71......................................
Table 3-24:Pin out for the 50 Pin Connector (J550) Between
the Microprocessor, DisplayStorage, and Digital Options
Boards 3-73...............................................
Table 3-25:Real Time Clock Fun ctions 3-75.......................
Table4-1: Equipment Required 4-2.............................
Table4-2: Settings for Shape FactorCheck 4-5....................
Table4-3: Settings for the NoiseSidebands Check 4-7..............
Table4-4: Front Panel Span AccuracySettings 4-8................
Table 4-5:Maximum Range in 10 dB/Div 4-11.....................
Table 4-6:Resolution Bandwidth Filter Display Dyn amic
Range Settings 4-1 2........................................
Table 4-7: Sensitivity Settings at 110 MHz 4-13.....................
Table 4-8:S ensitivityS ettingsat 1800 MHz 4-14....................
Table 4-9: Sensitivity Settings at 2.1 5 GHz 4-15....................
Table5-1: Test Equipment 5-2..................................
Table5-2: Power Supply Tolerances 5-7..........................
Table5-3: Power Supply Tolerances 5-10..........................
Table 5-4:Correction Bit Values 5-39.............................
Table5-5: TelevisionChannels 5-40..............................
Table 6-1:Relative Susceptibility to Static Discharge Damage 6-2....
Table6-2: Cal Debug Messages and Meanings 6-9.................
Table 6-3:Servicing Tools for Boards With Surface
Mounted Components 6-15..................................