1-18 2715 Spectrum Analyzer Service ManualTable1 -5: Input/Output Signal Characteristics (Cont.)
Characteristic Suppl emental InformationPerformanceRequirement
Ext Trig (J102) BNC connector, 10 k,DC coupled for
external trigger signals
Voltage Range
Minimum Typically at least 100 mVpeak,15Hzto
Maximum 50 V (DC+ peak AC)
PulseWidth 0.1 s minimum
Accessory Connector (J103) DB-15 female connector
Pin 1: External Video Input Typically 100 ohm, DC coupled, 0 -
50 kHz, 0 --1.6 V (200 mV/div) signal
input for vertical deflection of the CRT
beam. The signal is processed through
the video filters and the 1 dB, 5 dB, and
10 dB scale factor circuits on the Log
board. Display storage may be by-
Pin 2: Sweep Gate +2.0V minimum (high)
0.8 V maximum(low)
TTL-compatible signal that goes to a
logic high level while the CRT beam is
Pin 3: Chassis and Signal Ground
Pin 4: Sweep Output
-- 1 . 3 V
+1.3 V Provides a nominal +1.3 V to --1.3 V
negative-going ramp, proportional to the
horizontal sweep (output impedance
50 ).
Pin 5: Log Video Output Provides 0 V to +1.6 V of video signal,
inversely proportional to the vertical
display amplitude. 0 V is the top of the
screen. Impedance is 1 kΩ.
Pin 6: CLK0 Output Clock output t o Option 05 (External
Tracking Generator). CMOS logic levels
typically +3.5 V high, +1.5 V low.
Pin 7: Data I Input Data input from Option 05 (External
Tracking Generator). Typically+5 V hi gh,
+0.1 V low.
Pin 8: Data O Output Data output to Option 05 (External
Tracking Generator). CMOS logic levels,
typically +3.5 V high, +1.5 V low.
Pin 9: ~EXTGLATCH Logic output to Option 05 (External
Tracking Generator). CMOS logic levels,
typically +3.5 V high, +1.5 V low.
Pin 10: 26.38 MHz Input Input from Option 05 (External Tracking
Generator); typically a 0.5 Vp-p sine wave
centered at +3.7 VDC.