2715 Spectrum Analyzer Service Manual 1-21Table1 - 9: Environmental Characteristics
Characteristic Description
The Description column describes how most characteristics were derived and a description of the characteristic. This inst rument meets
MIL-T-28800E,Type III, Class 5, Style C Specifications.
Electromagnetic Interference (EMI)
Emissions: EN50081--1 Radi ated Emissions, 30 MHz--1GHz
EN55022 Class B (CISPR 22B)
Conducted Emissions, 150 kHz--30 MHz
EN55022 Class B (CISPR 22B)
Conducted Emissions, Power Line Harmonics, 0--2 kHZ
IEC 555-2/3
Immunity: EN50082--1 Electrostatic Discharge, 8 kV
IEC 801-2
Radiated Immunity, 27 MHz--500MHz
IEC 801-3
Performance Requirement:
No responses above --90dBm ina3V/meterfield
Fast Transients, Capacitive Clamp, 1 kV Power Leads,
500 V Control Leads
IEC 801-4
Power Line Surge, 1 kV Differential Mode,
IEC 801-5
Operating 0_Cto+50_C
Nonoperating1-- 5 5 _Cto+75_C2
Operating 95%RH ±5% + 30_C and below
75% RH ±5% + 31_C through + 40_C
45% RH ±5% + 41_C through + 50_C
Nonoperating Five cycles (120 hours) in accordance with MIL-STD-28800E, class 5
Operating 15,000ft (4.57 km)
Nonoperating 50,000 ft (15.24 km)
1After storageat temperatures below - 15_C, the instrument may not reset when power is first turned on. If this happens,
allow the instrument to warm up for atl east15 m inutes, then turnpower off for 5 seconds an back on.
2NVRAM is lost below - 10_C.