Replaceable Mechanical Parts
10- 2 2715 Spectrum Analyzer Service Manual
Parts List Column Descriptions
Column Column Name Description
1Figure & Index Number Items in this section are referenced by figure and index numbers to the exploded vi ew
illustrationsthat follow.
2TektronixPart Number Use this part num berwhen ordering replacement parts from Tektronix.
3 and 4 Serial Number Column three indicates the serial number at which the part was fi rst effective. Column four
indicates the serial number at which the part was discontinued. No entries indicat es the part is
good for all serial numbers.
5Qty This indicates the quantity of parts used.
6Name & Description An item name is separated from the description by a colon (:). Because of space limitations, an
item name may sometimes appear as incomplete. Use the U.S. Federal Cat alog handbook
H6-1 for further item name identification.
7Mfr. Code This indicat es the code of the actual manufacturer of the part.
8Mfr.Part Number This indicates the actual manuf acturersor vendor s part number.
Abbreviations conform to AmericanNational Standard ANSI Y1.1-1972.
Chassis-mounted parts and cableassemblies are located at the end of the
Replaceable Electrical Parts list.
The table titled ManufacturersCross Index shows codes, names, and addresses
of manufacturersor vendors of components listed in the parts list.
AbbreviationsChassis PartsMfr. Code to ManufacturerCross Index