6-34 2715 Spectrum Analyzer Service Manual
Interconnectplug to J11 on Power
SupplyBoard is on opposite side
R620 R602
Figure 6- 13: Location of R602 on the Phase Lock CFC Board
NOTE. If the beat note frequencyis above 50 kHz, it will not be visible.
6. If the amplitude is greater than 60 mV,pick a lower value for R602. If the
amplitude is lower than 40 mV,pick a higher value. See Figure 6--13 for the
location of R602. The following formula helps in pickinga resistor value:
R602 =5620 60 mV
7. Replace the shield on the Phase Lock CFC board.
8. Enable frequency normalizationsby pressing UTIL 3 1.
9. After frequency normalizationsare complete, set the FREQUENCY to
100 MHz and enable the calibrator signal (INPUT 9). There should be a
100 MHz signal at center screen.