Replaceable Electrical Parts
8-2 2715 Spectrum Analyzer Service Manual
Parts List Column Descriptions
Column Column Name Description
1Component Number The component num berappears on diagrams and ci rcuit boardillustrations, located in the diagrams
section. Assembly numbers are clearly marked on each diagram and circuit board illustration in the
Diagrams section, and on the mechanical exploded views in the Replaceable Mechanical Parts list
section. The component number is obtained by adding the assembly number prefix to the circui t
number (see Component Number illustration followingthis table).
The electrical parts list is arranged by assemblies in numerical sequence (A1, with its subassem-
blies and parts, precedes A2, with its subassemblies and parts).
Chassis-mounted parts have no assembly number prefix, and they are located at the end of the
electrical parts list.
2TektronixPart Number Use this part num berwhen ordering replacement parts from Tektronix.
3 and 4 Serial Number Column three indicates the serial number at which the part was fi rst effective. Column four indicates
the serial number at which the part was discontinued. No entry indicates the part is good for all
serial numbers.
5Name & Description An item name is separated from the description by a colon (:). Because of space limitations, an item
name may sometimes appear as incomplete. Use the U.S. Federal Catalog handbook H6-1 for
further item name identification.
6Mfr. Code This indicates t he code number of the actual manufacturer of the part.
7Mfr.Part Number This indicates the actual manuf acturer’s orvendor ’spart num ber.
Abbreviations conform to AmericanNational Standard ANSI Y1.1-1972.
A23A2R1234 A23 R1234
Assemblynumber Circuit Number
Read: Resistor 1234 (of Subassembly 2) of Assembly 23
A list of assemblies is located atthe beginning of the electrical parts list. The
assemblies are listed in numerical order. When a part’s complete component
number is known, this list will identify the assembly in which thepart is located.
Chassis-mounted parts and cableassemblies are located at the end of the
Replaceable Electrical Parts Li st.
The table titled ManufacturersCross Index shows codes, names, and addresses
of manufacturersor vendors of components listed in the parts list.
AbbreviationsComponent NumberList of AssembliesChassis PartsMfr. Code to ManufacturerCross Index