2715 Spectrum Analyzer Service Manual 6- 11
Table6 -2: Cal Debug Messages and Meanings (Cont.)
Message Meaning
ERROR in FM DAC SENS: Cannot count beat frequency (3)Thebeat frequency could not be count ed when the FM DAC was
set to 4095.
ERROR in FM DAC SENS: Result out of rangeThe calculated result for this test was outside reasonable limits.
ERROR in FREQUENCY ACCY:Cannot count YIG (1)The 1st LO frequency could not be determi ned.
ERROR in FREQUENCY ACCY:Out of range (1)The result was outsideof acceptable limits.
ERROR in FREQUENCY ACCY:Out of range (2)The result was outsideof acceptable limits.
SPANS:range XThis is an indi cator to show which span range is being tested. This
is not an error message.
ERROR in SPANS:Cannot count at center screen, DAC lowFor this span range, the effective screen frequency could not be
determined when the span DAC was set to 30 and the sweep was
parked at center screen.
ERROR in SPANS:Cannot count at center screen, DAC highFor this span range, the effective screen frequency could not be
determined when the span DAC was set to 4095 and the sweep
was parked at center screen.
ERROR in SPANS:Cannot count at right screen, DAC lowFor this span range, the effective screen frequency could not be
determined when the span DAC was set to 30 and the sweep was
parked at right screen.
ERROR in SPANS:Cannot count at right screen,DAC highFor this span range, the effecti ve screenf requencycoul d not be
determined when the span DAC was set to 4095 and the sweep
was parked at right screen.
ERROR in SPANS:Span out of rangeThe calculated result for thi s test was outside reasonable limits.
ERROR in GAIN AND ATTEN:Cannot span down on (1)On the first attempt, the cali bratorcoul d not be centered calibrator
sufficiently to go to zero span without losing the signal.
ERROR in GAIN AND ATTEN:Cannot span down on
On the second attempt, the calibrator could not be centered
sufficiently to go to zero span without losing the signal.
ERROR in GAIN AND ATTEN:Cannot calculate lin sensitivi tyLin mode sensitivity figures were outside reasonable mode limits.
ERROR in GAIN AND ATTEN:Attenuation result out of rangeOne of the at tenuator steps measured outside reasonable limits.
ERROR in GAIN AND ATTEN:Gain step result out of rangeOne of the gain steps measured outsi de reasonablelimits.
ERROR in VR FINE GAIN: Cannot span down on calibratorOn the second attempt, the calibrator could not be centered
sufficiently to go to zero span without losing the signal.
ERROR in VR FINE GAIN: Cannot calculate lin mode sensitivityLin m ode sensitivity figures were outside reasonable limits.
ERROR in VR FINE GAIN: Result out of rangeThe calculated result for this test was outside reasonable limits.
ERROR in VR FILTERAMPLTD: Cannot measure lin mode
Lin mode sensitivity figures were outside reasonable limits.
ERROR in VR FILTERAMPLTD: Cannot set filt ert o full screenThe RF attenuators could not reduce the signal below full screen.
ERROR in VR FILTERAMPLTD: Result out of rangeThe calculated result for this test was outsi de reasonablelimits.
ERROR in VR LOG FLTRAMPLTD: Cannot set filter to f ull
The RF attenuation, VR gain, and VR fine gain together could not
set the filter being tested to full screen.
ERROR in VR LOG FLTRAMPLTD: Result out of rangeThe calculated result for this test was outside reasonable limits.