Adjustment Procedures
2715 Spectrum Analyzer Service Manual 5-7
4. Set the test oscilloscope controls as follows:
Channel 1
Coupling AC
Deflection Factor 20 mV/div
Trigger Channel 1, positive edge
Time Base 5 s/div
5. Place the Channel 2 probe near R680 on the Power Supply board. The test
oscilloscope should display approximatelyfour periods of the waveform at
6. Adjust R680 (LOCK) so that the waveform on TP270 is locked to the
waveform on TP250. An unlocked waveformexhibits a noticeable amount of
jitter. Whenthe waveform locks, a sudden shift of the waveform occurs and
the jitter goes away.Continue adjusting R680 counterclockwise until lock is
lost or the potentiometer is fully counterclockwise. Make a note of the range
through which the signal stays locked. CenterR 680 in thenoted range.
NOTE. The waveform at TP270 has phase jitter due to pulse width modulation.
7. Varythe line voltage from 90 VAC to 240 VAC while checking for no loss of
lock. Readjust R680 if lock is lost. Reset the line voltage to nominal line
8. Enable the checkerboardpattern by pressing UTIL522and set INTENS I-
TY fully clockwise.
9. Set R703 (Z AXIS) on the Power Supply board fully counterclockwise.
10. Check the power supplies as per Table5--2.
Table5 -2: Power Supply Tolerances
Power Supply VoltageRange
-- 11 V --10.2Vto--11V
+5 V Adjustedwith R937
+10 V +10.0Vto+10.8V
+20 V +21Vto+24V
+50 V +47Vto+51V
+115V +109Vto+117V
11. Monitor TP120 with the Multimeter and the 2.75KV test point with the High