Performance Verification
4-12 2715 Spectrum Analyzer Service Manual
6. Set the Vertical Scale to 5 dB/.
7. Set the attenuators for 0 dB and adjust the signal generator amplitude for full
screen display.
8. Increase the attenuation5 dB and check that the Marker readout changes
9. Continue to increase the attenuationin 5 dB steps to a total attenuation of
40 dB while checking the Marker readout for a changeof 5 dB ±1dB.
Check that the Marker readout changefor each 10 dB change do es not
exceed ±1 dB or that the cumulati ve error does not exceed ±2 dB over the
40 dB range.
10. Set the Vertical Scale to 1 dB/.
11. Set the attenuators for 0 dB and adjust the signal generator amplitude for full
screen display.
12. Increase the attenuation1 dB and check that the Marker readout changes
13. Continue to increase the attenuationin 1 dB steps to a total attenuation of
8 dB while checking the Marker readout for a changeof 1 dB ±1 dB at each
step. The specification is ±1 dB per step over the 8 dB range.
14. Set the Resolution Bandwidth and Span/Div as indicated in Table4--6 and
repeat steps 3 through 13 foreach R esolution Bandwidth filter.
Table4 -6: Resolution Bandwidth Filter Display
Dynamic Range Settings
300 Hz 1 kHz
1 kHz 5 kHz
3 kHz 10 kHz
10 kHz 50 kHz
30 kHz 100 kHz
100 kHz 500 kHz
300 kHz 1MHz
1MHz 10 MHz
5MHz 20 MHz
15. After completing the above procedure,disconnect the signal generator from