Adjustment Procedures
2715 Spectrum Analyzer Service Manual 5-35
R160 R172
Figure 5- 11:Presett ingt he Flatness Adjustments on the Log Board
6. Set the SweepGenerator Time to 0.1, variable fully clockwise, and powerlevel
to4. If the generatorsignal is too low or high, use the power level potentiometer
on the Sweep Generator to bringthe signal level to mid screen.
7. Allow the Spectrum Analy zer to sweep one full sweep.
8. Press MKR to place a marker on the peak to the left of 100 MHz.
9. Press DSPL 8 3 to enable a display line through the marker.
10. Enable automatic sweep speed by pressi ng SWEEPAUTO.
11. Adjust R160 (Slope) and R172 (Slope Offset) on the Log board for flatness
(±1.5 dB) while keeping the marked peak (peak t hat has a marker on it) at
the display line. See Figure 5--11 for adjustment locations.
Option 50/75 instruments - ±1.5 dB from 9 kHz to 1.8 GHz, ±3 dB from
1.8 GHz to 2.15 GHz.
12. Press SWEEP threetimes.
13. Check that the marked peakis still at the display line. If necessary, repeat the
adjustments until flatness is within specificationwith the marked peak at the
display line.
14. Disconnect the Sweep Generator fromthe R F INPUT.