Adjustment Procedures

5-2 2715 Spectrum Analyzer Service Manual

Recommended Test Equipment

Table5 --1 lists test equipment and test fixtures recommended for the adjustment

procedure. The characteristics sp ecified are the minimum required for the checks.

Substitute equipment must meet or exceed these characteristics.

Table5 -1: Test Equipment

TestEquipment Characteristics Recommended
High Voltage TestProbe Voltage Range: 1 kV to 40 kV
Input Resistance: 1000 M
Division Ratio: 1000:1
Fluke Model 80K-40 H.V. Probe
Signal Generator 10 MHz to 1 GHz frequency range
--40dBm to 10 dBm output power range;
with at least 0.1 dB amplitude setting
Marconi 2022C or 2022D
Signal Generator Frequency range of 500 kHz to at least
100 MHz (CW), and capable of 80 kHz
peak deviation FM at 100 MHz
HP 8642A
Sweep/Signal Generator Output: 0 dBm to +13 dBm, Spectral Purity:
25 dB or more below the fundamental
HP 8350B with Plug in 83522A
Time Mark Generator 1s markers; accuracy 0.001% Tektronix TG 501 with TM 500 Series
Power module
TestOscilloscope Deflection Factor: 2 mV/Divto 5 V/Div-
Bandwidth: DC to 100 MHz, and X-Y
display capability
TektronixTAS485Oscilloscope and P6138
X10 Probes
TestSpectrum Analyzer Range35 MHz to 150 MHz, Frequency
error <10 kHz. Resolution Bandwidth
100 kHz. Compatible with tracking genera-
Tektronix2712 (or Option 04 combinati on)
Tracking Generator Compatible with test spectrum analyzer Tektronix2707 (or 2712 Option 04 com-
CATVModulat or 25dBmV visual carrier peak output (at sync
tip) on a TV channel assignment accessible
to the 2715 under test.
Standard Communications Model TVM450
CATVModulat or (requiredf or the Video
Demod Adjustment Procedure)
PAL/NTSCSignal Generator Tektronix TSG 95 Generator (required for
the Video Demod Adjustment Procedure)
Digital Multimeter(DMM) 100mV to 350 VDC Tektronix DM 504A with TM 500 Series
Power module
Power Meter 10 MHz to 1 GHz frequency range HP 438A. HP 437B or HP 436A and HP
11708A50 MHz 30 dB Reference Att enua-
50 Power Sensor 10 MHz to 1 GHz frequency range
--70dBm to --20 dBm input power range
HP 8484A or HP 8481D
50 Power Sensor 100 KHz to 4.2 GHz frequency range
--30dBm to +20 dBm input power range
HP 8482A