Enable Instant Replay on video cell (on a LiveClient installed to a PC): When enabled, a small Replay icon will be available on each view cell. One pre-condition is that the video stream must be currenly being recorded to the NVR sysm.

Default replay length: Default is 30 seconds, use the pull-down menu to select a different length for video playback.


Instant Playback should be performed on one view cell only. If you playback multiple 1080P recording streams simultaneously, you may encounter system faults.

Instant Playback

Return to Live

To initiate an instant playback, move your mouse cursor to the lower left corner of a live cell. The Instant Playback icon will appear. Click on it, and a progress bar will appear. Click on the Play button to playback a confiugrable length of video that was recorded just before you started the Playback function (default is 30 seconds).

138 - User's Manual

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Vivotek ND8301 user manual Vivotek