[F1]-[SF4] Part Voice Portamento

Set the Portamento parameters for each part. Portamento is used to create a smooth transition in pitch from the first note played on the keyboard to the next.

• Switch

Switch Portamento on or off.

Settings off,on


Set the pitch transition time. Higher values mean longer transition times.

Settings 0 ~127

Performance Edit mode

PB (Pitch Bend) Range... When editing Plug-in parts 1 - 3, or when aDrum voice is selected:

Determines the pitch change range (in semitones) of the Pitch Bend wheel for the Plug-in part’s voice (or Drum voice). Unlike the Pitch Bend setting for parts 1 - 4 above, the Upper and Lower ranges for the Plug-in parts cannot be set independently.

Settings -24 ~ 0 ~ +24

• VelSensDpt (Velocity Sensitivity Depth)

Determines the velocity sensitivity of the part’s voice, or how much the level of the voice changes in response to your playing strength (velocity). The higher the value, the more the voice changes in response to changes in your playing strength.

Settings 0~127

Changes to actual velocity for different Velocity Sensitivity Depth settings




• Mode

Set the Portamento mode.

Settings fingered, fulltime


Portamento is only applied when you play legato (playing the next note before releasing the previous one).


Portamento is always applied.

nThe Mode setting is not available for the Plug-in part.

nThese Portamento parameters above are not available for the part to which the Drum voice is assigned.

[F1]-[SF5] Part Voice Other• PB (Pitch Bend) Upper, Lower... When editing part s 1 - 4:

These two parameters determine the pitch change range (in semitones) of the Pitch Bend wheel for the part’s voice. For example, a Lower setting of -12 would result in the pitch being lowered up to a maximum of one octave (12 semitones) when the Pitch Bend wheel is moved downwards. Similarly, setting the Upper parameter to +12 would result in a maximum pitch rise of one octave when the wheel is moved upwards.

Settings -48 ~0 ~+24

Actual resultingoffset=64 velocity (affecting

he tone generator)


























Received velocity





nThe settings here apply when Velocity Sensitivity Offset


(below) is set to a median or neutral value of “64.”


• VelSensOfst (Velocity Sensitivity Offset)


Determines the amount by which received velocities are


adjusted for the actual velocity effect. This lets you raise


or lower all velocities by the same amount — allowing you to automatically compensate for playing too strongly or too softly.

Settings 0 ~ 127

Changes to actual velocity for different Velocity

Sensitivity Offset settings.

nThe settings here apply when Velocity Sensitivity Depth (above) is set to a median or neutral value of “64.”

MOTIF Reference 171