
Using an IEEE1394 interface (when an optional mLAN8E has been installed)

Up Setting

IEEE1394 cable


Computer with a IEEE1394 interface

Using a MIDI interfaceUsing the computer’s MIDI interface

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Using an external MIDI interface





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nPlease use the appropriate MIDI interface for your computer.

nIf you are using a computer that has a USB interface, make sure to connect the computer and the MOTIF by USB. (The data transfer rate is faster than MIDI and you’ll have access to multiple MIDI ports.)

Local On/Off - When Connected to a Computer

When connecting the MOTIF to a computer, the keyboard performance data is generally sent to the computer, and then returned from the computer to play the tone generator or sound source. If the Local Switch is set to “on,” a “double” sound may result, since the tone generator is receiving performance data from both the keyboard directly and the computer. Use the setting suggestions below as a guideline; specific instructions may differ depending on your computer and the software used.

When MIDI “Echo” is enabled on the software/computer, set the MOTIF Local Switch to “off.”

Computer with



Application Software











Local Off





MOTIF Local Sw=off

Echo Back On

nWhen transmitting or receiving System Exclusive data (such as with the Bulk Dump function), use the setting example below, making sure that MIDI “Echo” on the computer software is set to “off.”

26 MOTIF Setting Up