Performance Edit mode

• Release

Determines the FEG Release Time for each part. Settings -64 ~ 0 ~ +63

nThe FEG settings are not available for Plug-in parts or parts to which Drum voices have been assigned.

[F4]-[SF4] Part Tone AEG

Basic Structure (page 47)

From this display you can set the basic AEG (Amplitude Envelope Generator) parameters for each part. The following parameters offset the same parameters in the Voice (Element) Edit mode (page 145).

[F5] Part Receive Switch

From this display you can set how each individual part responds to various MIDI data, such as Control Change and Program Change messages. When the relevant parameter is set to “on,” the corresponding part responds to the appropriate MIDI data.

Note that two different display types are provided (see below). Each display type features the same settings in a different format; use the type you feel most comfortable with.


mode Performance Reference

• Attack

Determines the AEG Attack Time for each part.

Settings -64~0~+63


Determines the AEG Decay Time for each part.

Settings -64~0~+63


Determines the AEG Sustain Level for each part.

Settings -64~0~+63

nThe Sustain level setting is not available for Plug-in parts or parts to which Drum voices have been assigned.


Determines the AEG Release Time for each part.

Settings -64~0~+63

nThe Release Time setting is not available for the part to which the Drum Voice is assigned.

174MOTIF Reference