Normal Voice and Drum Voice

Internally, there are two Voice Types: Normal Voices and Drum Voices. Normal Voices are mainly pitched musical instrument-type sounds that can be played over the range of the keyboard. Drum Voices are mainly percussion/drum sounds that are assigned to individual notes on the keyboard. A collection of assigned percussion/drum wave or Normal Voice is known as a Drum Kit.

Normal Voice


Element 1~4

Drum Voice

Main functions

For example, you could set one Element to sound in an upper range of the keyboard, and another Element to sound in a lower range. Thus, even within the same Voice, you can have two different sounds for different areas of the keyboard or you can make the two Element ranges overlap so that their sounds are layered over a set range.

Furthermore, you can set each Element to respond to different velocity ranges so that one Element sounds for lower note velocities, whereas another Element sounds for higher note velocities.


Element 3



Element 2


Element 1





Element 4



Note Range


Key 1

Key 2

Key 3

Key 4

Key 5

Key 76

GM voice

GM is a worldwide standard for Voice organization and MIDI functions of synthesizers and tone generators. It was designed primarily to ensure that any song data created with a specific GM device would sound virtually the same on any other GM device — no matter the manufacturer or the model. The GM Voice bank on the MOTIF is designed to appropriately play back GM song data. However, keep in mind that the sound may not be exactly the same as played by the original tone generator.

Voice structure

One voice consists of Oscillator, Pitch, Filter, Amplitude, LFO and various parameters as shown on page 42. You can create the basic voice character by setting these four parameters.


Reference (page 137)

This unit outputs the wave of each Element.

You can set the note range for each Element (the range of notes on the keyboard over which the Element will sound) as well as the velocity response (the range of note velocities within which the Element will sound).

MOTIF Basic Structure 45